Join us at the Sydney Italian Wine and Food Festival
Espresso di Manfredi will again be celebrating all things Italian and offering a range of their premium espresso products at this year’s Sydney Italian Wine and Food Festival.
In addition to the Classico blend being served to all you coffee lovers, Espresso di Manfredi will also be skilfully mixed into the signature Espresso Martini available at the pop-up Espresso di Manfredi bar.
With demonstrations from Australia’s top Italian chefs including Stefano Manfredi’s good friend Alessandro Pavoni as well as the team from Balla cooking up a storm, it will be an event not to be missed!
Be sure to join us for an espresso or a Manfredi Martini on Sunday 30th August, Town Hall Sydney CBD!
More information and tickets at sydneyitalianwinefood.com.au
#Italiansdoitbetter @EspressodiManfredi #EspressodiManfredi #ManfrediMartini