Bar Moda
We sat down recently with the Bar Moda team to discuss what they love about coffee, their signature style and creating the perfect coffee environment.
1. What is your café signature coffee?
The bad boy Manfredi piccolo!
2. What is the perfect food accompaniment with coffee?
Zoe’s chocolate brownie
3. What is it you love about coffee?
The ritual involved when you have the time.
4. How did you get into the industry?
I was born in to it!
5. What is your one coffee pet hate?
My pet hate is when a barister says our machine can’t make a Ristretto.
6. What is your favourite of the three Espresso di Manfredi blends and why?
Classico for its balance and finish made on naked.
7. What is the ideal coffee experience in your opinion?
When a rep or special guest comes in & I get to have a bad boy piccolo or one of my creations with them & talk shop .
8. Who is the most famous person or interesting person you’ve ever made coffee for?
Bette Midler
Bar Moda
307 Queen St
Brisbane QLD 4000